Sent on 2/9/2015
What an eventful week. You know how I always say that Satan will do whatever he can in order to stop someone from being baptized? Well, he sometimes tries to get those surrounding the target.
Let's begin with February 3rd.
This day was my one-year anniversary of being in Colorado. I didn't really celebrate because of what happened. But it was also the day I woke up feeling like I needed to rid of some acidic material from my body via my throat. My companion thought I was dying. After trying to teach S one last lesson before her baptism, we went straight to Grandma and Grandpa R's. They were out shopping but allowed us to go into their home. I laid on their couch and starting breathing heavily in an attempt to cope with my achy body. Well, I guess I was breathing a bit too fast to the point where my body started tingling and my hands began seizing up. I cracked my eyes open just enough to see that my fingers were distorted and I couldn't move them.
Luckily, Grandma and Grandpa made the call to 911 and a gorgeous (really) team came to rescue me from my attack. They told me how to breathe slowly as they stuck me in the back of the ambulance.
After being hooked up to machines and needles for 5 hours, I left the hospital and began my adventurous journey of recovery via pills (that made me throw-up everything I ate), electrolytes, and sleepy, all of which amounted to 3 1/2 days of lying in a basement. My heart and mind were yearning to go outside and talk to everyone about the gospel of Jesus Christ, but my body said no flippin' way, Jose.
In the midst of all the craze, we had to move houses. I was literally physically incapable of lifting a water bottle and we were told we had to move all of our belongings into a new house. Grandma and Grandpa were trying to notify the mission office, but no one responded. I felt like no one understood what was happening to me.
And, yet, Someone knew. I was never alone. I prayed so hard and so long. If I wasn't kneeling down in prayer, I was praying in my heart. I asked for comfort. And I could feel His presence near me. I never doubted that He wasn't there with me. I knew that even if I was in the middle of nowhere and no one knew where I was or who I was or even cared about me, I would know that there is ALWAYS Someone watching over me.
"For the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:9).
Fortunately, I was at least 80% strong enough by February 6th to attend S's baptism (and not throw-up during my talk!). It was a great way to end this humbling experience. You have no idea how big she smiled. I've really never seen her smile so big before! Many people came to see her take this big step. We tried to tell her how many people were there, but because of she could not see, she really just could not comprehend how many people were there for her. So, what did Bishop do? He had everyone in the room say their names and say any words of congratulations to her. And she heard every one of them.
It was just a beautiful baptism to witness. Her sins are washed away and she is one step closer to living with Heavenly Father once more.
Oh, how I cannot wait for the day we see Him again. I will probably give Him a great big hug.
Sister Wen
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