G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G
I know GW,
He is a Latter-day Saint,
He's knows most everything
Since we taught him
Someday he will be back,
He'll have eternal life
Oh, how I love the missionary work!
M-I-S-S-I-O-N. Mission! Mission! Teach it again!
If any of you know what song I'm parody-izing, props to you for attending girls' camp. This past week, Sister Billings and I reminisced on girls' camp songs from back in the good ol' Young Women days. I created a parody of "Mormon Boy" to G's life just now. Just. Now. Look at how creative and conceited I am!
But, in all #seriousness, for those of you just jumping in on the story, please feel free to refer back to my last two posts. But G is amazing. He really has come a long way. Four months ago, he didn't have a testimony of God. Now, he has a testimony of God, of Christ, of prophets, of personal revelation, of the Holy Spirit...of everything in the gospel! He accepts everything we teach him.
Last week, we taught him once again the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to bring Christ's church back to Earth. We shared Joseph's experience in his own words:
I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. When the light rested upon me, I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of Them spake unto me, calling me by name, and said, pointing to the other, This is my Beloved Son - Hear Him!G says that 3 years ago (when he was baptized), he would've thought this was a made-up story. But now, when we explained basically the whole timeline of how the world was prepared for the restoration of Christ's church, G knows it's true.
He's been at church much more regularly now. He's attending all three hours and he's awesome.
It seriously is a blessing being able to see him gain a testimony. It really is like we're teaching an investigator but, instead of bringing him to the waters of baptism, we are helping him work towards obtaining the priesthood! He'll have the power and authority from God to act in the name of Christ. WAHOOO! This is exciting work!
There are so many reasons why I've been sent here to Parker at this time, and I believe one of those reasons is G.
Sister Wen
P.S. No pics this week b/c something's wrong with the computer...or my camera. Either way, I can't upload pics. Sorry!
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